Legacy February 2, 2012 Episode

Posted by ian villalon 2 February 2012

Eva Alcantara (Cherie Gil) blames Natasha Alcantara (Lovi Poe) for not telling them that she is going to meet her father, Cesar Alcantara (Robert Sena). Natasha then said that she had seen the man who shot her father dead. It was one of their drivers in the company that she had just recently fired. When the man was arrested, he told them that it was not him. He admitted that he pointed a gun but he did not pull the trigger. But the police would not believe him. He is the only person who has a motive to kill Cesar Alcantara. Meanwhile, Diana Calcetas (Heart Evangelista) and Isabel Calcetas (Jackie Lou Blanco) have known of Cesar’s death in the news on television. Isabel could not believe that Cesar had died. She was crying because Cesar promised to come back for them. They have to fulfill their promise to each other. Meanwhile, Diana also was crying because her father did not fulfill his promise. She had fulfilled her promise to him. And that is to watch over her mother Diana. But for Cesar, he would be gone forever. At the wake, Eva was very angry because Isabel and Diana went there. She hates to see the woman whom Cesar love the most.

                   Watch more of Legacy replay Feb. 02 episode replay below:






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