Tandang Alicia (Marita Zobel) gave a curse to her adopted daughter Esmeralda (Jean Garcia). Esmeralda is still fighting for herself but Tandang Alicia reminded her that she is just her student and that she would really be defeated. Tandang Alicia then used her black magic stone. Esmeralda then turned into a stone formed human. Then Tandang Alicia collapsed. A few minutes later, Hilario (Janno Gibbs) came and was surprised to see Esmeralda in that form. Tandang Alicia then left a message to them. She knows that she will not live longer anymore. She wanted them to care of her upcoming grandchild. After saying her last wishes, Tandang Alicia had her last breath and the birthmark on her forehead was lost. Matilda (Ana Roces) was very sad upon knowing what had happened to her mother. She was very curious what did her mother meant for her last wishes. Tandang Alicia’s assistant then told Matilda that they did not know what her mother has in mind. All she said when she left before going to Esmeralda was to trust her. So they will just believe in her words. Matilda then gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They were all very surprised when they saw the birthmark at the baby’s forehead. They know that Tandang Alicia is always at their side to guide them.
Watch Alice Bungisngis And Her Wonder Walis Feb. 07 episode replay below:
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